Call of Cthulhu 7E RPG: Down Darker Trails - Hardcover

The Mythos manifests in the Old West, your investigators must take to the wilds that make up the lawless lands and fight back against the ancient and unknown evil that haunts the prairie. While the core rules support play with classic Call of Cthulhu, additional rules for Pulp Cthulhu allow you to swing into the line-quipping, guns-blazing action with new enemies, new talents, and new character options!
Captured in text and image is the history of the Old West: famous individuals, playing American Indian heroes, notable places and sites, as well as inspiration and guidance on bringing the terrors and mysteries of the Great Old Ones into your games.
The investigators of Down Darker Trails stand in stark comparison to those found in Arkham in the 1920s. The book includes rules for Old West investigators, new occupations, new pulp talents, and new skills.
Two complete towns: the gold-hungry Pawheton, and San Rafael on the Texas border, are fully detailed, providing Keepers with ready-made inhabitants and locales from which to stage campaigns.